These are the compositions I most commonly use in my paintings as they are some of the simplest. With this in mind here are five compositional designs based on what I have learned from Edgar Payne’s book, that you can incorporate in your own painting design.

It helped me to remember some basic compositional designs that I can use especially when I’m painting outdoors en plein air. So when composing a painting I find it easiest to stick to more simple compositional designs.Ī few years ago I read Edgar Payne’s ‘ Composition of Outdoor Painting’ and it’s a book I refer to all the time. There are many ways to create engaging compositions in paintings and I find that it’s best not to overcomplicate your scene. Five Composition Ideas to Improve Your Landscape Painting Start with some quick thumbnail sketches first and then when you are happy do a final sketch. I love seeing what my potential paintings could look like in a sketchbook. This will not only save you hours of time in potentially running into trouble with a painting due to a bad composition, but it’s also fun as well. Plan and Design Your Paintings in a Sketchbook Firstīefore you start a painting, design it in your sketchbook first. From that day on I have always planned my paintings in my sketchbook first. When I realised I had never done any planning for my paintings it suddenly dawned on me that I could have saved myself a load of time and work.

In the end, I was very fortunate to meet an artist who mentored me and emphasised the importance of composition for improving my paintings. Add to the number of times I was halfway through a painting and had to stop because it wasn’t working due to a bad composition, it was very frustrating. As a result, many of my compositions were terrible. In fact, in the first few years I was painting I did no compositional planning, I copied photographs exactly as they were and didn’t do any prior sketches. Now I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t always been good at designing engaging compositions and even now I don’t get it right. A pleasing design and a balanced pictorial plan are essential elements of a fine work of art. So why is composition so important? It’s important because the scene you are painting ideally should be balanced, harmonious and pleasing to the viewer. Some of the compositions I’ve seen are so bad that it’s at that point I think to myself am I missing something here? Did I miss a meeting? It’s a shame because I have seen many a potentially good painting that has been ruined by a bad composition. I have visited many art galleries where there are landscape paintings for sale, some with very high price tags that have terrible compositions.